
You can find on this page several tutorials to get started with ML-LPA. For detailed information on all the functions of the software, please read the API.


The tutorials are step-by-step guides to illustrate how ML-LPA can and should be used. The tutorials have been organised in different chapters covering the main use of ML-LPA.

We would recommend you to read all the tutorials below to understand exactly how to use ML-LPA. However, you can refer to the Quick & Dirty tutorial if you want to quickly see how ML-LPA can be used.

A - Loading simulation

  1. Load from simulation files

  2. Load from position array

B - The System class

If you are only interested in getting ML-LPA to work quickly, we recommend to skip the tutorials on the System class.

  1. Attributes of the System class

  2. Methods of the System class

C - Predicting phases

  1. Machine Learning algorithms training

  2. Optimisation of the neighbour rank

  3. Lipid phase prediction

  4. Setting phases manually

D - Local environment analysis

  1. Voronoi tessellations

  2. Map the environment

  3. Analysis without phases

E - Save the outputs

  1. The .lpm model file

  2. Save the System class

  3. Save the Tessellation class

API Reference

The API reference lists and describes all the functions and classes implemented in ML-LPA. Along examples, all arguments, keyword-arguments and outputs are detailed and explained.

Common functions

Advanced functions
