Attributes of the System class

In a standard quick and dirty use of ML-LPA, using or just accessing the attributes of an instance of the System class does not bear too much interest. However, it is good to know what can be found inside the class if needed. We describe in this tutorial some of the most useful attributes of the class.

If you are only interested in getting ML-LPA to work quickly, we recommend to directly move to the tutorials on phase prediction.

General description

The System class as defined in ML-LPA contains all the relevant informations on a molecule type as extracted from simulation files. In addition to the information directly extracted from the simulation, it also contains informations computed from the former.

Each instance of the System class is specific to only one molecule type. This is due to constraints on the calculations run inside the class. In a multi-molecule types simulation, it is therefore required to create one instance of the class per type.

Useful attributes

Atom positions

The first data that one might want to extract from the instance of the System class are the positions of the atom at each frame. This can be done by using the attribute .positions

import mllpa

loaded_system = mllpa.openSystem('test.gro', 'test.tpr', 'DPPC')

atom_positions = loaded_system.positions

In this example, we use the openSystem() function to load the information from the simulation files. Check the related tutorial for more details.

The positions are stored in a NumPy array with the dimension

(# frames, # molecules, # atom per molecules, # dimensions)

The expected number of dimensions is 3, since the simulation boxes are always defined in a Cartesian system of coordinates.

For example, a 10 frames simulation box with 26 DPPC molecules made of 130 atoms each should have an array of dimension (10, 26, 130, 3).

Coordinates and distances

The Machine Learning algorithms used in ML-LPA to predict the phase of the lipids do not work directly with the atom positions. Instead, they use the atom coordinates in a cylindrical system of coordinates (with the Z axis aligned to the main axis of inertia of the molecule) and the intra-molecular distances at a specific neighbor rank (a pair of atoms at the neighbor rank N are separated by N-1 atoms along a chain).

Using the instance of the System class, it is possible to extract these data using the attributes .coordinates and .distances

atom_coordinates = loaded_system.coordinates
molecule_distances = loaded_system.distances

The coordinates and distances are stored in a NumPy array with the respective dimensions

(# frames, # molecules, # atom per molecules, # dimensions - 1)


(# frames, # molecules, # distances)

The expected number of dimensions for the coordinates is 2, since the azimuth of the cylindrical system is discarded.

For example, a 10 frames simulation box with 26 DPPC molecules made of 130 atoms each should have an array of dimension (10, 26, 130, 2).

The number of distances in a molecule depends both on the number of atoms in the molecules, the shape of the molecule and the rank selected.

Molecule type information

The instance also includes an important number of information on the molecule type which was extracted from the structure file. All these information are stored in a dictionary that can be get from the attribute .infos

molecule_type_infos = loaded_system.infos

Among the several information found in this dictionary, the useful ones are (i) the atom IDs, (ii) the atom names and (iii) the atom masses. They can all be extracted using the following keys:

atom_ids = molecule_type_infos["heavy_atoms"]["ids"]
atom_names = molecule_type_infos["heavy_atoms"]["names"]
atom_masses = molecule_type_infos["heavy_atoms"]["masses"]

Both all (atoms) and non-hydrogen (heavy_atoms) atoms are listed in the dictionary, hence the first key.

You can find the list and description of all the keys in the API.

What is next?

Check the API

The following elements have been used in this tutorial: