Lipid phase prediction

Once the models have been generated through ML-LPA, they can be used, either from the .lpm file or from the variable, to predict the phase of a simulation with an unknown composition. This tutorial shows how to proceed.

Predict phases

From an *.lpm file

To predict the lipid phases in a simulation, we need to first load the simulation files in an instance of the System class. Then, we can use the class method .getPhases() to run the prediction. This method only takes as an argument the path to the .lpm file.

import mllpa

# Load the unknown system
unknown_system = mllpa.openSystem('unknown.gro', 'unknown.tpr', 'DPPC')

# Predict the phases

In this example, we call a model file named new_model.lpm which have been generated in a previous step.

Since the models should be specific to the type of simulation run (e.g. temperature range, lipid mixture, simulation parameters), we do not provide model files on this website and we recommend you to generate your own model files.

ML-LPA will then process all the lipids in the system and assign each of them a phase based on their configurations. The results can be accessed through the .phases attribute of the instance of the System class:

lipid_phases = unknown_system.phases

This will output a NumPy string array with the dimension (# frames, # molecules).

From a variable

It is possible to use directly a model variable generated using the function generateModel(). To do so, just replace the argument in the .getPhases() method by the variable itself.


In this example, we call a model variable named models which have been generated in a previous step.

Machine Learning algorithms

In order to predict the lipid phases with the highest accuracy, ML-LPA relies on a 2-steps prediction system:

  • In the first step, the 2 types of data collected from the simulation files, atom coordinates and intra-molecular distances, are fed into 3 different ML algorithms defined in scikit-learn. The result is a total of 4 models looking at the data and making their independent predictions.

  • In the second step, the independent predictions collected in the first step are analysed by a classification tree algorithm, also defined in scikit-learn, that compares the predictions to output the most accurate prediction possible.

First predictions

The four models used to analyse the input data are:

The scores of each of the model, total and per phase, are all stored in the .lpm model files.

Second and final prediction

The predictions of the 4 models above are classified using the Classification and Regression Trees algorithm. The scores of this model, total and per phase, is also stored in the .lpm model files. However, the CART model defined by scikit-learn can also output the classification tree determined through the training. This can be done using the typical following command.

In this example, we will need to import the Matplotlib library to plot the data.

import mllpa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import tree

# Load the simulations files to be trained on
gel_system = mllpa.openSystem('gel.gro', 'gel.tpr', 'DPPC')
fluid_system = mllpa.openSystem('fluid.gro', 'fluid.tpr', 'DPPC')

# Train the model on the systems - do not save the model files
models = mllpa.generateModel([gel_system, fluid_system], phases=['gel', 'fluid'], save_model=False)

# Extract the CART model from the dictionary
cart_model = models['ClassificationTree']

# Display the classification tree

The classification tree should be directly displayed when the script is run.

What is next?

Check the API

The following elements have been used in this tutorial: